Our Escape Rooms

For the last four years, Long Beach Geeks has hosted an escape room at LosCon.  The sets, designs, and puzzles are donated by various Long Beach Geeks for the enjoyment of all.  Our time and money are always well spent for your entertainment.  We create custom costumes and set pieces, from Escape the Weeping Angel’s massive dress to our incredible door design from Escape the Reavers 2.0.  Every puzzle is carefully crafted and designed to be as flawless as possible so you have a fighting chance to escape.

We want you to have enjoyment to talk about for years to come… and we could use your help.

Every year the escape room becomes bigger and better… and the geeks involved foot the bill. If you love escape rooms and would love to help fund one, follow this link to our GoFundMe page to help us have large rooms and more complex games each year.  The funds go directly to Long Beach Geeks so we can host more events and more parties for your enjoyment.

Check out our next Escape Room chapter…here